with royalties

RARI Chain embeds royalties on the node level to guarantee royalty payments. A secure, low-cost, decentralized Ethereum L3 blockchain powered by Arbitrum.

RARI Chain embeds royalties on the node level to guarantee royalty payments. A secure, low-cost, decentralized Ethereum L3 blockchain powered by Arbitrum.

With Royalties











RARI Chain embeds royalties on the node level to guarantee royalty payments. A secure, low-cost, decentralized Ethereum L3 blockchain powered by Arbitrum.

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Create, Mint, Trade NFTs

Immutable Royalties

Immutable Royalties

Transactions circumventing royalties won’t work. You will always receive your preset royalties when assets are on the RARI Chain.

Optimized Fees

Optimized Fees

Create, mint, trade NFTs virtually free. Gas fees are no longer a consideration when you interact with NFTs.

Fast and Flexible

Fast and Flexible

Pay in ETH, USDC, or USD via credit card. No bridging and no waiting needed.

Community First

Community First

RARI Chain is integrated with Rarible marketplace and governed by the RARI DAO community to ensure diverse voices are represented.

Create, Mint,
Trade NFTs

Immutable Royalties

Transactions circumventing royalties won’t work. You will always receive your preset royalties when assets are on the RARI Chain.

Optimized Fees

Create, mint, trade NFTs virtually free. Gas fees are no longer a consideration when you interact with NFTs.

Fast and Flexible

Pay in ETH, USDC, or USD via credit card. No bridging and no waiting needed.

Community First

RARI Chain is integrated with Rarible marketplace and governed by the RARI DAO community to ensure diverse voices are represented.

Build NFT apps

Build NFT apps

Ethereum L3

Ethereum L3

EVM-equivalence. Inherited Ethereum security. Low transaction cost. Fast block confirmation time. Built with Arbitrum innovation.

Ethereum L3

EVM-equivalence. Inherited Ethereum security. Low transaction cost. Fast block confirmation time. Built with Arbitrum innovation.

Node-Level Royalties

Node-Level Royalties

NFT transactions involving ERC-721 and ERC-1155 contracts are run through a royalty enforcement check before execution. Royalty enforcement checks for payment in ETH and ERC-20 tokens. When a check fails, a transaction reverts.

Node-Level Royalties

NFT transactions involving ERC-721 and ERC-1155 contracts are run through a royalty enforcement check before execution. Royalty enforcement checks for payment in ETH and ERC-20 tokens. When a check fails, a transaction reverts.

Robust Compatibility

Robust Compatibility

Use your preferred programming language and write EVM-compatible smart contracts in Rust, C, and C++. Coming soon.

Robust Compatibility

Use your preferred programming language and write EVM-compatible smart contracts in Rust, C, and C++. Coming soon.

Unlock New Possibilities

Unlock New Possibilities

Experiment with new use cases, whether it be storing NFTs on-chain, in-game NFT trades, or merging digital and physical NFTs.

Unlock New Possibilities

Experiment with new use cases, whether it be storing NFTs on-chain, in-game NFT trades, or merging digital and physical NFTs.

Ecosystem partners


Frequently asked

Frequently asked

What’s an Ethereum L3 chain?

How does L3 compare to L1 and L2 chains?

What’s unique about embedding royalties on the node?

How does royalty enforcement check work?

How do I get funds to RARI Chain (bridging ETH to RARI Chain)?

Is there a grants program for early adopters of RARI Chain?

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Unlock exclusive RARI Chain updates, insights and quests

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